Welcome to HTTPResume page! If you have been
downloading a huge file and the connection broke, don't despair.
Just download HTTPResume
and if the server supports resume, you're ready to go. Since
number of these servers is increasing daily, your chances to
quickly complete interrupted download are pretty good.
- It has the ability to continue interrupted HTTP downloads.
- Can automatically resume download when an error occurs.
- It has ARexx interface which allows you to do almost whatever
you like. There are some ARexx scripts included in the archive.
One of them by Chris S. Handley (included with his permision)
recursively downloads the whole web page for you using HTTPResume
and the other downloads list of URLs. The possibilities are
- It can stop and restart download if settable timeout is exceeded
or if CPS is lower than allowed.
- HTTPS support with or without proxy. You need
AmiSSL or MiamiSSL to be able
to use it.
- Can be used from CLI or from WB.
- It has font adaptable GUI
- More than 50 options which make it very easy to fine-tune
HTTPResume just the way you like.
- Fully localized.
- 17. December 2000
HTTPResume v1.9 is out.
It should appear on Aminet in a day or two. You
can get it from here now.
Updated on 17. December 2000
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